Author Archive

Faith, Hope, and Trust in God! | Susan Davis

Date of Talk:  April 16th, 2014
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Susan Davis
Affiliated Group(s):   Lector
Work Listing(s):   Commercial Loan Officer
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Susan Davis, a Commercial Loan Officer, will share her faith story of how she chose God at an early age.  Hear the kind of work that God brought to her in her mysterious journey. Hear a real life story of this banker who helped a company during the 2008 financial crisis aftermath.  Learn tips on seeking asset based corporate loans.

Sacred Architecture | David Kuhlman

Date of Talk:  April 15th, 2014
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   David Kuhlman
Affiliated Group(s):   Facilities Committee
Work Listing(s):   Architect, Religious
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , ,

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David Kuhlman, Architect, will share his “how to discover your purpose”  story. Dave is President of Jaeger Nickola Kuhlman & Associates (JNKA), an architecture firm that specializes in serving churches and faith-based clients. Hear his  inspiration and reflection on the design of beautiful new chapel space.  Hear how Dave worked with this client to achieve a design that reflected their desire to emphasize the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Catholic faith.  Observe how Dave balances his faith while serving his clients. Understand the role his wife, Kimberly, played in getting a business close to home, and understand Dave’s fervent desire to always hear God’s call within.

Calling in the Night | Sharon Lynch

Date of Talk:  April 14th, 2014
Location:   St. Mary - Des Plaines IL (847) 824-8144
Presenter(s):   Sharon Lynch
Work Listing(s):   Real Estate Broker
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , ,

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Sharon Lynch, Real Estate Broker, will tell a story of spirituality in the workplace making a creative connection.  Her client was facing escalating rents.  Sharon prays while driving in her car without any “noise.” Hear Sharon’s conviction felt deep in her heart for her client.  Hear how Sharon knew this solution would work for her client. Hear real estate tips we all can use.  Called to serve, hear how Sharon’s faith affects her work.

Cracking a New Account | David Bungum

Date of Talk:  April 10th, 2014
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   David Bungum
Affiliated Group(s):   Knights of Columbus
Work Listing(s):   Sales Professional
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Dave Bungum, Sales Professional, will share a story of serving a client in Texas with a fleet of over 1000 trucks.  Hear how a giant truck tire gauge led to thousands of dollars in annual savings. First came listening to understand and solve a problem, then came tire sales.  Hear Dave’s humility learning from an old pro.  Hear Dave’s prayerful tips on successful sales calls that he uses today.

Music Therapy | Nancy Swanson

Date of Talk:  March 7th, 2014
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Nancy Swanson
Affiliated Group(s):   Choir
Work Listing(s):   Music Therapist
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Nancy Swanson, a board-certified music therapist, will share an inspirational story of how a terminally ill woman was surrounded by the strength of God, her family, and the power of music.  Hear Nancy discuss how she used live music in the moment to create an atmosphere of worship, connection, support, and joy.  Hear how Nancy adapts her plans for her life, to be more open to hear God’s plan for herself. Hear her tips on how we can all use music to strengthen our connection with God and others, to increase our relaxation, and to focus on the positive.