Author Archive

How to Give a Blessing | Jeff Liautaud

Date of Talk:  September 3rd, 2013
Location:   Training Videos Loquate - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Website:  www.Loquate.TV
Affiliated Group(s):   Knights of Columbus
Work Listing(s):   Initiators
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , ,

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Hold a “Work Meets Faith Seminar” for your group.Protect the primary values of servant leaders within the group. Get other servant leaders to present.Make a lasting difference for your group with a small amount of your time. The vision is community for all mankind. Loquate Charity assists you.

Faith Meets Business Management | Dave Dora

Date of Talk:  August 7th, 2013
Location:   St. Edward the Confessor - Dana Point CA
Presenter(s):   Dave Dora
Work Listing(s):  
Faith Enrichment:  , , ,

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Dave Dora is a retired Operations Manager who has extensively studied management principles. He speaks about the way in which he combined effective management with his faith, and how his faith guided him in difficult management situations.

That’s Why We Pray! | David Donovan

Date of Talk:  July 23rd, 2013
Location:   ST. Mary’s Episcopal - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   David Donovan
Affiliated Group(s):   Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Soup Suppers, Vestry
Work Listing(s):   Insurance Broker
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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David Donovan, insurance broker, will tell us of a real life story about an accident that informed and continues to inform David how to live his faith life where his work meets his faith.Hear tips from this veteran insurance man that we all can use, for example, helping others to help themselves, living faith life as a total commitment, not a onetime event,

Produce Pioneers | Su Su Scialabba

Date of Talk:  July 15th, 2013
Location:   South Park Church - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Su Su Scialabba
Work Listing(s):   Produce Store Owner
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , ,

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Su Su Scialabba, from an at home mom to full time business owner, Su Su will tell of her journey of faith when nothing else would work.This real life story speaks of obstacles so big that only raw faith could overcome. Hear tips on letting the Holy Spirit speak for us, when we can say nothing, and tips on reaching out and finding support.From deep trust in God, her story evolved into a wholesale and retail produce store, “Garden On the Run.”

To Make a Difference in Someone’s Day | Michael Kitt

Date of Talk:  July 15th, 2013
Location:   ST. Mary’s Episcopal - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Michael Kitt
Work Listing(s):   Deacon, Financial Consultant
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Michael Kitt, Episcopalian Deacon and financial consultant, will share a story of bringing the sacred into the everyday.Hear this touching story of making one life better thru an unexpected offer.Hear Michael’s daily review of trying to make a difference in a person’s life.Hear tips on bringing light and faith into the everyday.