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A Generous Heart | Sr. Sue Dunning

Date of Talk:  March 14th, 2013
Location:   St. Edward the Confessor - Dana Point CA
Presenter(s):   Sr. Sue Dunning
Affiliated Group(s):   San Felipe de Jesus
Work Listing(s):   Minister of Faith Formation
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , ,

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Sr. Sue Dunning, C.S.J. has been a Sister of St. Joseph of Orange for 33 years and currently is the San Felipe de Jesus Minister of Faith Formation and Religious Education. Early in her religious life she felt a call from God to serve the poor of Mexico. For 15 years, she lived with and served the Mexican people of Guaymas, Sonora and Tijuana, Baja, CA. She has a love and passion for serving the poor and is actively involved with the homeless in Orange. In parish ministry, she shares her love of people and talents of music, dance and spirituality in a variety of ways.

An Inch Away From Heaven | Donna Couch

Date of Talk:  March 14th, 2013
Location:   St. Edward the Confessor - Dana Point CA
Presenter(s):   Donna Couch
Work Listing(s):   Director of Faith Formation
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , ,

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Donna Couch is the Director of Faith Formation at St. Edward. She is an accomplished author and also has experience as a retreat guide, master catechist and college professor. Donna will discuss her return to the faith and how that pathway unexpectedly became the center of her life’s work. She will suggest ways to grow spiritually while balancing the needs of family.

Corporate Caring | Paul Sampson

Date of Talk:  March 14th, 2013
Location:   St. Edward the Confessor - Dana Point CA
Presenter(s):   Paul Sampson
Affiliated Group(s):   Knights of Columbus
Work Listing(s):   Marketing Executive
Faith Enrichment:  , ,

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Paul Sampson is a retired marketing executive of a Fortune 500 Company, and head of the Parish’s Knights of Columbus. Paul will share stories about how his parents laid the foundation of his Catholic faith and how that faith manifested itself in his day-to-day decision making within his work life. As he moved up the corporate ladder he helped to create a positive environment for all employees, never forgetting the “little person” and making sure to look out for them. He also sought help and guidance from his faith as he made multiple geographic moves with his family.

The Student Who Taught | Tom Gawne

Date of Talk:  February 27th, 2013
Location:   Mary Seat of Wisdom - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Tom Gawne
Affiliated Group(s):   Eucharistic Minister, Lector
Work Listing(s):   Counselor
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Tom Gawne, a retired special education teacher, will share an ongoing story of one young man who became a pivoting point for Tom’s own faith life. Hear Tom describe this success story and what Tom learned about the complete goodness of God. Hear Tom unravel his own life’s mystery in this inspiring faith story about a student who became a social worker.

Divine Guidance | Raymond Pusczan

Date of Talk:  February 22nd, 2013
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Raymond Pusczan
Affiliated Group(s):   Knights of Columbus
Work Listing(s):   Structural Engineer
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Raymond Pusczan, structural engineer and veteran of 45 years in engineering projects, now retired, will tell us a real life story of workplace intimidation and his response as a Catholic. Hear this unique story of God at work in his heart and its effective outcome. Hear God’s blessings of faith throughout his career in a field of high turnover and never missing a paycheck. Hear wisdom tips: staying current in an ever changing field, working the hours you want vs. the hours needed to meet a deadline, and taking advantage of the sacraments especially mass.