Author Archive

A Chaplains Gifts | Brian Brown

Date of Talk:  February 1st, 2013
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Brian Brown
Affiliated Group(s):   Lectio Divina, Ministers of Care
Work Listing(s):   Chaplain, Teacher
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Brian Brown, a chaplain, will tell us what it takes to be a lay chaplain. Hear about a hospital patient and the trust she placed in Brian. Hear how grace permeated that encounter. Hear tips on being a good listener that we all can use. Hear tips on dealing with the home bound. Hear how Brian felt a tender part of his heart touched by God through his ministry.

Initiator Training Video | Seminar Series

Date of Talk:  January 20th, 2013
Location:   Training Videos Loquate - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Initiator

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This training video explains the role of Initiator for a Seminar Series. Your main role is inviting ordinary people to present their story of providing thru the presenter’s chosen work extreme value for the common good. By grace, God is at work, where their work meets their faith. Because you help make this ministry possible you cannot help but be a needed, valued member of a vibrant, growing, faith community. You create your own ministry team consisting of yourself, a promoter and a video producer. Hear how regularity of Seminar Series dates and step by step write-ups insure success. The most important step is to put your full trust in God. Videos proclaim extreme value of the preciousness of God at work. The vision is community for all mankind.

From Stay At Home Mom to Principal | Lorelei Bobroff

Date of Talk:  January 15th, 2013
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Lorelei Bobroff
Work Listing(s):   Educator
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , ,

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Lorelei Bobroff, Principal of a Catholic Grade School, will tell us her faith story from stay at home mom to Principal at St. Paul of the Cross grade school. Hear the serendipitous turn of events that permitted her to become a teacher later in life. As she faced her own family end of life issues while teaching hear the nurturing and understanding that she received from a Catholic culture while working in a Catholic school. Hear how she turned her experiences into deeper empathy for teachers and parents as a school administrator. Hear tips any parent, and any executive, might want to know about dealing with situations where you must agree to disagree.

Finding More Than Work | Matthew Petrash

Date of Talk:  January 7th, 2013
Location:   Mary Seat of Wisdom - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Matthew Petrash
Affiliated Group(s):   Knights of Columbus
Work Listing(s):   Sales and Marketing Director
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Matthew Petrash, a sales and marketing director, will tell us his family story of faith together. Transitioning from a job in California to moving his wife and new child back to Chicago hear Matt’s story of deep faith until he found work. Hear Matt tell us firsthand about challenges that don’t seem to be able to be overcome. Hear where Matt finds Christ.

Faith In Work | Thomas Schippers

Date of Talk:  December 3rd, 2012
Location:   Santa Maria Del Popolo Mundelein IL.
Presenter(s):   Thomas Schippers
Work Listing(s):   Judge
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , ,

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Thomas Schippers, a judge, will present a defendant’s comeback story. After many transgressions, following depression and drug violations, a psychological report indicated the defendant’s low self worth. Hear the judge’s surprising answer. See how rehabilitation can work in the court system. Hear tips on living a life that makes a difference, and tips on making work fulfilling.