Author Archive

Faith In Work | Thomas Schippers

Date of Talk:  December 3rd, 2012
Location:   Santa Maria Del Popolo Mundelein IL.
Presenter(s):   Thomas Schippers
Work Listing(s):   Judge
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , ,

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Thomas Schippers, a judge, will present a defendant’s comeback story. After many transgressions, following depression and drug violations, a psychological report indicated the defendant’s low self worth. Hear the judge’s surprising answer. See how rehabilitation can work in the court system. Hear tips on living a life that makes a difference, and tips on making work fulfilling.

Presence | Terry Madl

Date of Talk:  November 13th, 2012
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Terry Madl
Work Listing(s):   Founder
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Terry Madl, Founder and First User, of “Gear” will tell us of an endurance race of his across the Sahara Desert in Africa and how it affected his faith life. Hear the peace he felt in his reconciliation with the death many years ago of his then 3 year old daughter Emalie. Hear about the help of an unexpected friend. Hear how what began as a 3rd quest for a personal best in Marathon Des Sables, the 151 mile endurance race in Morocco, resulted in peace beyond understanding. Hear Terry’s understanding of the real test of the presence of God that comes is how our life is changed always towards loving others.

When Its God, You Know It! | Terry Madl

Date of Talk:  November 12th, 2012
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Terry Madl
Work Listing(s):   Founder
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Terry Madl, Founder and First User, of “Gear” will explain how he knew he had an experience of a presence of God and how it affected his faith life. Hear the peace he felt in his reconciliation with the death many years ago of his then 3 year old daughter Emalie. Hear Terry’s understanding of the real test of the presence of God that comes is how our life is changed always towards being positive and acting in faith.

God Coach | Robert Schnetzer

Date of Talk:  October 17th, 2012
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Robert Schnetzer
Work Listing(s):   Business Consultant
Faith Enrichment:  , , , ,

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Robert Schnetzer, a business consultant, will present a real life story where timing played an important role. Hear about his conversation with a widow who recently lost her business owner husband. Hear the connections that were made thru faith. Hear the role Robert’s father played in Robert’s life direction always toward integrity thru deep faith.

Tutor | Frances Johnson

Date of Talk:  October 16th, 2012
Location:   St. Juliana - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Frances Johnson
Affiliated Group(s):   Choir, Scripture Studies
Work Listing(s):   Music Teacher, Violin Teacher
Faith Enrichment:  , , , ,

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Frances Johnson (McDonough), a scripture teacher and violinist, will present a story of spiritual growth of one of her scripture students. Having gone to Sunday mass, an old testament reading brought to mind the student’s recent study of the same passage in class. Because the student had studied the passage, the student knew the beginning and the end of the story, with the passage in the middle. Hear Frances’ joy as the student beamed about the relevance of scripture not only to mass but also to everyday life.