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Grandma’s Boy | Father Anthony Muraya

Date of Talk:  September 26th, 2012
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Father Anthony Muraya
Work Listing(s):   Associate Pastor
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , ,

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Rev. Anthony Muraya, Associate Pastor at St. Paul of the Cross in Park Ridge, will present a real life story where his presence was used for a family’s faith journey. Hear how simple recognition of Fr. Muraya’s Roman Collar made all the difference. Hear the treasury of love he found in the family. Hear Father talk about practical tips he learned from his grandmother as “Grandma’s boy.”

Video Producer Training Video | Seminar Series

Date of Talk:  September 12th, 2012
Location:   Training Videos Loquate - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Mark Miller
Work Listing(s):   Video Producer

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This training video explains what it is like to become a Video Producer for a Seminar Series-“Where Work Meets Faith.” Hear how commitment plays the greatest role in being successful. Write-ups describe each step in Video Production. No prior video production experience or special skills are required. As a member of the Seminar Series Ministry Team consisting of initiator, promoter, and video producer, your role is critical. You are the interface to a scalable website that headquarters, Loquate.Tv, uses to push out video links to the wider Internet. By faithfully following the write-ups, posting gets done correctly as your video production skills grow. Posting permits video searches on faith topics like “Forgiveness,” or professions like “Carpenter,” or locations like “St. Juliana.” Hear the invigorating feeling you get whenever you make a cut that is not obvious. That is where the skill comes in. We thank you for your gift of time to friends presenting where their work meets their faith. A culture of the goodness of God flows thru your hands.

Promoter Training Video| Seminar Series

Date of Talk:  September 10th, 2012
Location:   Training Videos Loquate - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Mary Ann Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Promoter

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This training video explains the role of a Promoter for a Seminar Series-“Where Work Meets Faith.” Curiously you make no phone calls to get attendees to come to the Seminar Series. Rather through social media you instruct presenters in the series and others how to use email and social networking to get friends and a following to attend. Your write-up is established for use on the same day each week, typically in two hours of flex time. The write-up consists of step by step tasks to complete. By following the write-up, success at promoting the seminar series is insured. If you are a person who gets satisfaction from completing a job and wish to be more involved, this is the role for you. You greet attendees at each Seminar Series event. As a member of the video ministry team your gracious hospitality inviting attendees and communicating by email with presenters and others contributes to the wider success of a culture of the goodness of God.

Safety, Baby | Barbara Glownia

Date of Talk:  July 30th, 2012
Location:   Safety, Baby! - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Barbara Glownia
Affiliated Group(s):   Saint Paul of the Cross Youth Group
Work Listing(s):   Youth Group
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , ,

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This youth group video shows how a draw away from safety is overcome with safety at “Safety, Baby!” “Safety, Baby!” is retro slang expressing mutual affection toward safety. It refers to a public location for a sampling of youth witness videos usually reserved for a private setting only for the youth group. Ordinary youth present their story of providing, thru the presenter’s chosen work, extreme value for the common good. By grace, God is at work, where their life meets their faith. Videos of their presentations proclaim a culture of the goodness of God. “Safety, Baby!” shows why parents, youth, and mentors prefer safety in a vibrant faith community, over unsafe ways. But in the end, it is the youth’s choice of a culture of the goodness of God that makes the difference. Parent-Youth-Mentor results not only in a village triangle of faith, but also in “Safety, Baby!” Good villages build a better world.

Divine Mercy Outreach | John Koch

Date of Talk:  July 30th, 2012
Location:   Divine Mercy Outreach - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   John Koch
Affiliated Group(s):   Martial Arts
Work Listing(s):   Master Martial Arts Instructor
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , ,

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John Koch tells us about Divine Mercy Outreach. Open to all denominations, this devotion offers incredible graces to all who staff and visit the Divine Mercy Image, an image of Christ with blue and rose streams of light, as given by Christ in a vision to St. Faustina.