Author Archive

One Day | Constantine Thalassinos

Date of Talk:  April 24th, 2012
Location:   Divine Mercy Outreach - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Constantine Thalassinos
Affiliated Group(s):   Greek Orthodox
Work Listing(s):   Security Officer
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , ,

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Constantine Thalassinos, a visitor to the Divine Mercy Project and member of the Greek Orthodox Church, will share with us his faith journey. His father was a priest in the Greek Orthodox Church. Hear Constantine’s faith journey that may yet lead him to becoming a priest like his father. However, it is more important to Constantine to live a good Christian life every day that may be seen by his love of others in humility.

A Seed | Brian Truckenbrod

Date of Talk:  April 24th, 2012
Location:   Lighthouse Catholic Media - Sycamore IL
Presenter(s):   Brian Truckenbrod
Work Listing(s):   Regional Sales Manager
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , ,

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Brian Truckenbrod, Regional Sales Manager at Lighthouse Catholic Media, will share a real life story of a lady who touched him deeply by her humility. A full time software executive, hear why Brian also loves his part time work at Lighthouse. Desirous of developing new programs for Lighthouse, Brian is the go to person for innovation

I am the Truth | Tim Truckenbrod

Date of Talk:  April 19th, 2012
Location:   Lighthouse Catholic Media - Sycamore IL
Presenter(s):   Tim Truckenbrod
Work Listing(s):   Vice President
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , ,

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Tim Truckenbrod, Vice President of Marketing and Development at Lighthouse Catholic Media will share how his seeking the truth helps Lighthouse. Hear how a talk he heard, titled from Gangland to Promised Land, was chosen for distribution by Lighthouse. Learn tips from this experienced marketing practitioner at Lighthouse about connecting people to their true desires, and how to focus on contentment in life to feel satisfaction.

In Love With All Things Catholic | Stacy Wendt

Date of Talk:  April 11th, 2012
Location:   Lighthouse Catholic Media - Sycamore IL
Presenter(s):   Stacy Wendt
Work Listing(s):   Executive Assistant
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Stacy Wendt, executive assistant at Lighthouse Catholic Media, will share a faith journey story after she converted to Catholicism. Hear Stacy’s burning desire of love for her friend, and her friend’s surprising openness to hear about Stacy’s Catholic faith. Hear the humility Stacy felt as a result of this openness. Hear tips we all can use in sharing our faith.

Reservoir of Grace | Mark Middendorf

Date of Talk:  March 21st, 2012
Location:   Lighthouse Catholic Media - Sycamore IL
Presenter(s):   Mark Middendorf
Work Listing(s):   President
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , ,

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Mark Middendorf, President of Lighthouse Catholic Media will tell us how to be a reservoir, not just a channel of faith. Hear three Lighthouse pillars to the reservoir of faith. Hear Mark’s real life story of conversion, consecration, and affirmation. Hear how Mark was fortified to go out and share recorded Catholic talks from a Park Ridge lending Library, which became an Apostolate to God’s mercy and tenderness.