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Career Counselor | Emmett McGovern

Date of Talk:  January 18th, 2012
Location:   St. Juliana - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Emmett McGovern
Work Listing(s):   Basketball Coach, Director of Counseling
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , ,

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Emmett McGovern, Director of Counseling at St. Patrick High School in Chicago, will share a personal story of career change. Hear how his devotions to God worked on him in a way even he could not initially understand. Hear his faith in his wife and his devotion to family in this touching story of family transition.

Forgiveness | A Little Bit of Emmett McGovern

Date of Talk:  January 18th, 2012
Location:   St. Juliana - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Emmett McGovern
Work Listing(s):   Director of Counseling
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , ,

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Emmett McGovern, Director of Counseling at St. Patrick High School in Chicago, will share a personal story of forgiveness. Hear how his devotions to God worked on him in a way even he could not understand. Hear his faith in his wife and his devotion to family in this touching story of family forgiveness.

Homeschool Conversion | Family First!, Donna Samano

Date of Talk:  November 17th, 2011
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Donna Samano
Affiliated Group(s):   Homeschool, Respect Life
Work Listing(s):   Homemaker, Mother, Nurse
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , ,

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Donna Samano, Home Schooling Mom and Graduate Nurse, will tell a simple story of teaching her Catholic religion to her children and the humility she feels. Hear how her original quest to help her oldest son’s learning disability through Catholic home schooling brought about her own personal conversion. Hear her delight in her older children who live their faith.

Parishioner Excellence | Mark Miller

Date of Talk:  November 16th, 2011
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Mark Miller
Affiliated Group(s):   Inclusion, Men’s Club, Seminar Series, Usher
Work Listing(s):   Audio Recording, Video Producer
Faith Enrichment:  , , , ,

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Mark Miller, Audio Engineer and St. Paul of the Cross Head Usher, will talk about his audio avocation and volunteer usher work. Willing to audio record from bands to children’s Christmas Programs, Mark will tell us what people say about his work and why he loves it. Hear a real day-in-an-usher’-life story of a church goer collapsing and tips we all should know from this head usher of 16 years experience.

Activist |Jerry Spellman

Date of Talk:  November 16th, 2011
Location:   Mary Seat of Wisdom - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Jerry Spellman
Work Listing(s):   Teacher
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , ,

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Jerry Spellman, retired Loyola Academy math teacher and father of 7, will talk about marching with Martin Luther King. Hear how then and other times later on he was empowered to not be afraid. In spite of many side jobs to raise his family, Jerry has always felt drawn to social justice causes. Learn how to be aware of the spirit pushing you to observe, judge, and act.