Author Archive

My Conversion Story, April Pasquale

Date of Talk:  September 21st, 2011
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   April Pasquale
Affiliated Group(s):   Caregivers Circle of Faith, Lector, Ministers of Care
Work Listing(s):   Administrative Assistant, Continuing Care Facility, Health Care
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , ,

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April Pasquale, Administrative Assistant in an independent living and skilled care facility, will tell her own conversion story to Catholicism in 2004. Hear a story of delighting the residents thru her proactive knowledge. She goes to work early, sits with the residents for breakfast and immerses herself in a family like setting. Hear her voice for the dignity of each person in the image and likeness of God that should be honored.

Mysterious Journey | Jerry Kenney

Date of Talk:  September 21st, 2011
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Jerry Kenney
Affiliated Group(s):   Caregivers Circle of Faith, Eucharistic Adoration
Work Listing(s):   Entrepreneur Volunteer
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , ,

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Jerry Kenney, Founder, right here at St. Paul of the Cross, of Caregivers Circle of Faith – “For Those Who Have or Want To Experience the Spirituality of Caregiving,” will tell us his journey from caregiver to committed adorer to action. Are you a caregiver? Understand the Holy Spirit abiding within, ever leading you to discover your own new beginnings through Jerry’s interesting faith story.

Parish Nursing, Linda Burk

Date of Talk:  September 21st, 2011
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Linda Burk
Affiliated Group(s):   Caregivers Circle of Faith
Work Listing(s):   Nurse, Nutritionist
Faith Enrichment:  , , , ,

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Linda Burk, Parish Nurse of 18 years experience at St. Paul of the Cross, will share a dramatic story involving human health and compassionate caring. Hear her real life story of danger and ministry. Learn her role as our parish nurse and some inspiring tips.

Faith Enrichment | Claudia Graham

Date of Talk:  August 17th, 2011
Location:   Lighthouse Catholic Media - Sycamore IL
Presenter(s):   Claudia Graham
Work Listing(s):   Home Care Giver, Home Care Giver, Preaching The Gospel, Sales
Faith Enrichment:  , ,

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Claudia Graham is a distributor for Lighthouse Catholic Media. Hear Claudia speak about a faith enlivening story that one of her clients told her. Hear the power of a CD that can change lives. Hear Claudia’s spiritual enrichment regarding her work.

We have to Turn to Prayer | John Koch and Damian Emmer

Date of Talk:  May 19th, 2011
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Damian Emmer, John Koch
Work Listing(s):   Martial Arts Instructor, Martial Arts Student, Master
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , ,

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John Koch, a martial arts instructor, will share a spiritual story of a young boy asking for guidance about his mom. Hear a true mentor’s perspective on building the family through values. Devoted to Christ, Master John leads by personal example.