Author Archive

Dignity Doc | Dr. Paul Meyer

Date of Talk:  October 20th, 2010
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Paul Meyer
Work Listing(s):   Family Practice, Medical Doctor
Faith Enrichment:  , ,

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Dr. Paul Meyer, a parish-wide Family Practice Medical Doctor, will share a real life example of his work including end of life issues. Hear his holistic -mind, body, and spirit- approach to medicine. Hear how we all can benefit from commitment to community through faith, family, and friends.

A Bridge of Faith | Mary Kowal

Date of Talk:  October 20th, 2010
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Mary Kowal
Work Listing(s):   Homemaker, Retired
Faith Enrichment:  , , ,

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Mary Kowal will speak on faith as a bridge. Hear how her faith helped her care for her late husband, Bob. Inspired by the Little Flower, hear how her faith leads her as a volunteer to daily small works of charity.

A Bridge Over The Holocaust | Mary Kowal

Date of Talk:  October 20th, 2010
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Mary Kowal
Work Listing(s):   Homemaker, Retired
Faith Enrichment:  , ,

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Mary Kowal will speak on faith as a bridge. Hear her familys inspiring war time faith journey as survivors of the holocaust. She said:”Only through faith did we make it.” Inspired by the Little Flower, hear how her faith leads her as a volunteer to daily small works of charity.

Holding Hands | Dr. Mark Cichon

Date of Talk:  October 20th, 2010
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Mark Cichon
Work Listing(s):   Director, Emergency Medicine
Faith Enrichment:  , ,

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Dr. Mark Cichon, Director of Emergency Medical Services at Loyola University, will tell us his experience in what patients most desire in their last moments on earth. He will share with us a real life story of an end stage cancer patient admitted to his Emergency Department. Hear why he feels humble and grateful for our Park Ridge community and tips any user of an Emergency Department needs to hear.

One Life Redeemed | Danny Smith

Date of Talk:  September 15th, 2010
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Danny Smith
Work Listing(s):   Author, Law Enforcement, Police Officer Profiles
Faith Enrichment:  , ,

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Danny Smith, author of his book “On the Job: Behind the Stars of the Chicago Police Department”, will share with us insights he gets as a freelance journalist and author. Hear an unexpected story of one of his profiles that got to the heart of Danny’s faith and a police officer’s defining moment. Hear the author’s tips on how to get a story.