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God Cheers Too! | Jeff Liautaud

Date of Talk:  January 18th, 2017
Location:   Training Videos Loquate - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):  

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Invite your friends. Hold a small group discussion. “Where Work Meets Faith” is a New Evangelization Parish Program that is not duplicitous because it satisfies innate needs common to all mankind.  The only sharing is experience, never advice. Each member retains autonomy over his own belief construction. For example, Jeff Liautaud said: “In my own small group with Christ and Mary as my internal mentors, I am lead to the promised “unity for all” found in Eph. 4:13.” Designed for the Holy Spirit to do the evangelizing, its 3S protocol builds interfaith dialogue. It is designed to meet or exceed all requirements established for New Evangelization by USCCB Catholic Hierarchy. The vision is community for all mankind.

Aid to Sovereigns, All or Nothing | Obianuju Ekeochia

Date of Talk:  December 28th, 2016
Location:   Culture of Life Africa - Africa
Presenter(s):   Obianuju Ekeochia
Affiliated Group(s):   Respect Life
Work Listing(s):  
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , ,

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Obianuju (Uju for short) Ekeocha, a scientist based in London, will share a story of responding in an open letter toward aid that she perceived as undermining family life in her native Nigeria, Africa, a soveriegn country.  Catapulted into public view by this open letter that went viral; hear Uju describe the faith practices she followed to stay on track supporting her African family culture that she so loved. Hear her plea to stop all deceptive practices of Developed Nation’s Aid Packages, offered only all or none, including undermining African Family Life, and her more humane plea for a line item veto.

My Brother, Jim | Jeff Liautaud

Date of Talk:  November 2nd, 2016
Location:   Divine Mercy Outreach - Chicago IL
Work Listing(s):  
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , ,

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Hear Jeff Liautaud reconciling himself to the imminent death of his brother, Jim, by nurturing and caring for Jim. Hear the power of the Divine Mercy and the providential role of others in this true story.

Small Group discussion questions Set 0

Date of Talk:  August 23rd, 2016
Location:   Smart ® Retreat
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Acting in Faith

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Small Group discussion questions Set 0. Cultural Challenge 0-Not having enough time for others. Spiritual Breakthrough 0-Can you share an experience that you have had, that was very good for you, something no one could ever take away from you, or convince you, was not good for you? This is subjective. What others think of the experience is irrelevant. Can others in your small group share their good experience? This spiritual breakthrough video includes a Smart ® Retreat Catholic response.

Small Group discussion questions Set 1

Date of Talk:  August 23rd, 2016
Location:   Smart ® Retreat
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Acting in Faith

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Small Group discussion questions Set 1. Cultural Challenge 1-Getting in touch with that which you value the most, Spiritual Breakthrough 1- Can you communicate with that which you value the most? What does your sacred scripture tell you about that which you value the most? This spiritual breakthrough video includes a Smart ® Retreat Catholic response.