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Small Group discussion questions Set 2

Date of Talk:  August 23rd, 2016
Location:   Smart ® Retreat
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Acting in Faith

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Video Description: Small Group discussion questions Set 2. Cultural Challenge 2-Finding preferred work, Spiritual breakthrough 2-did you know your spiritual well being guides you to preferred work? What is work you prefer doing? Can you tell your small group about how you feel doing that kind of work? This spiritual breakthrough video includes a Smart ® Retreat Catholic response.

Small Group discussion questions Set 3

Date of Talk:  August 23rd, 2016
Location:   Smart ® Retreat
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Acting in Faith

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Small Group discussion questions Set 3. Cultural Challenge 3-Accept life’s greatest challenges, Spiritual breakthrough 3-Moment by moment accept life’s greatest challenges, or crosses. If moment by moment you never leave that which you value the most, you will never leave your path to that which you value the most. Can you share an example of accepting one of life’s greatest challenges? What did you do to stay on your path to that which you value the most? This spiritual breakthrough video includes a Smart ® Retreat Catholic response.

Small Group discussion questions Set 4

Date of Talk:  August 23rd, 2016
Location:   Smart ® Retreat
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Acting in Faith

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Small Group discussion questions Set 4. Cultural Challenge 4-Confront evil, not abandon good, Spiritual breakthrough-4 confront evil peacefully, through non-violence, non-cooperation. Have you ever felt you had to confront evil? Can you share an example of what you did? Have you ever non violently, non cooperated? If so, can you share your story? This spiritual breakthrough video includes a Smart ® Retreat Catholic response.

Small Group discussion questions Set 5

Date of Talk:  August 23rd, 2016
Location:   Smart ® Retreat
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Acting in Faith

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Small Group discussion questions Set 5. Cultural Challenge 5- It is a fallacy to believe that until that which you value the most speaks to you, you will not know your area of meaningful expansion for yourself, Spiritual breakthrough 5-declare your preferred work as your gift in humility back to that which you value the most. Are you ready to declare your preferred work back to that which you value the most? If you have already done so, can you share if light shone upon your ways? This spiritual breakthrough video includes a Smart ® Retreat Catholic response.

Small Group discussion questions Set 6

Date of Talk:  August 23rd, 2016
Location:   Smart ® Retreat
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Acting in Faith

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Small Group discussion questions Set 6. Cultural Challenge 6-putting that which you value the most first in your life, Spiritual breakthrough 6-surrender your whole, entire life to that which you value the most. The hearer of that which you value the most in writings sacred to you has to make a conscious decision to throw the hearer’s lot in with that which you value the most and, in a proper spirit of repentance, fully accept that which you value the most’s design for your life. That which you value the most is chosen as Lord. Did you? If so, can your share your story of the Lord making Himself known to you in such a way that you who have responded to the call know it beyond a doubt? This spiritual breakthrough video includes a Smart ® Retreat Catholic response.