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Small Group discussion questions Set 7

Date of Talk:  August 23rd, 2016
Location:   Smart ® Retreat
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Acting in Faith

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Small Group discussion questions Set 7. Cultural Challenge 7-Build an interior life of prayer/meditation, Spiritual breakthrough 7-Making time for interior prayer/meditation is easier when you experience that work is made fruitful to the degree of your interior life of prayer/meditation, not on your own merits. Can you share a story of your work being made fruitful thru prayer/mediation? This spiritual breakthrough video includes a Smart ® Retreat Catholic response.

Small Group discussion questions Set 8

Date of Talk:  August 23rd, 2016
Location:   Smart ® Retreat
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Acting in Faith

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Small Group discussion questions Set 8. Cultural Challenge 8-Living that which you value the most’s plan for you, Spiritual breakthrough 8-can you share a concern about your handling of something at work related to that which you value the most? Can anyone in your small group tell a relevant story of hope having gone thru something similar, and without giving advice? This spiritual breakthrough video includes a Smart ® Retreat Catholic response.

Small Group discussion questions Set 9

Date of Talk:  August 23rd, 2016
Location:   Smart ® Retreat
Presenter(s):   Jeff Liautaud
Work Listing(s):   Acting in Faith

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Small Group discussion questions Set 9. Cultural Challenge 9-Giving public witness to that which you value the most, Spiritual breakthrough 9-Using language of “that which you value the most” levels the playing field for all. Can you give public witness to that which you value the most? Differences can be best dealt with by understanding. Helping another accomplish that which they value the most is extreme value. This spiritual breakthrough video includes a Smart ® Retreat Catholic response.

Unceasing Connection

Date of Talk:  May 14th, 2016
Location:   Queen of All Saints - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Richard Wenzl
Affiliated Group(s):   Respect Life, Divine Mercy
Work Listing(s):   President
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Rich Wenzl, Founder of Wenzl Co. displays, will share an experience of being asked to be a volunteer to raise funds. Hear his amazing story of being pressed into service, encouraged by a close friend, and his secrets to success with volunteers. Learn what makes Rich tick: placing God first in his life, his early formation, and the importance of the sacraments. Journey with Rich, Chicagoland’s Johnny Appleseed of Divine Mercy!

Crowned in God’s Love

Date of Talk:  April 26th, 2016
Location:   Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Wayne Smith
Affiliated Group(s):   Respect Life
Work Listing(s):   Charity Founder
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Wayne B. Smith, Founder of Not-by-Sight Media, legally blind since birth, will share what inspires him every day.  Listen to his journey from atheism to faith in God, found at a low point in his life. Catch Wayne’s continued learning of the heart that one day he would become Catholic.  Comprehend Wayne’s living testimony that God’s mercy is always there for you.