Posts Tagged ‘Acting In Faith’

Corporate Caring | Paul Sampson

Date of Talk:  March 14th, 2013
Location:   St. Edward the Confessor - Dana Point CA
Presenter(s):   Paul Sampson
Affiliated Group(s):   Knights of Columbus
Work Listing(s):   Marketing Executive
Faith Enrichment:  , ,

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Paul Sampson is a retired marketing executive of a Fortune 500 Company, and head of the Parish’s Knights of Columbus. Paul will share stories about how his parents laid the foundation of his Catholic faith and how that faith manifested itself in his day-to-day decision making within his work life. As he moved up the corporate ladder he helped to create a positive environment for all employees, never forgetting the “little person” and making sure to look out for them. He also sought help and guidance from his faith as he made multiple geographic moves with his family.

Divine Guidance | Raymond Pusczan

Date of Talk:  February 22nd, 2013
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Raymond Pusczan
Affiliated Group(s):   Knights of Columbus
Work Listing(s):   Structural Engineer
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Raymond Pusczan, structural engineer and veteran of 45 years in engineering projects, now retired, will tell us a real life story of workplace intimidation and his response as a Catholic. Hear this unique story of God at work in his heart and its effective outcome. Hear God’s blessings of faith throughout his career in a field of high turnover and never missing a paycheck. Hear wisdom tips: staying current in an ever changing field, working the hours you want vs. the hours needed to meet a deadline, and taking advantage of the sacraments especially mass.

Blessed to Have You | Rene’e Bourke

Date of Talk:  February 1st, 2013
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Rene’e Bourke
Work Listing(s):   Speech language Pathologist
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Rene’e Bourke, a Speech Language Pathologist, will share a story of a breakthrough with one of her clients. Hear the humility she felt when she learned of an outcome that made her grateful to God. Hear tips learned from this professional working in special education that we all can use. For example, her job situation calls for empowerment in patience and her tips largely relate to this empowerment.

A Chaplains Gifts | Brian Brown

Date of Talk:  February 1st, 2013
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Brian Brown
Affiliated Group(s):   Lectio Divina, Ministers of Care
Work Listing(s):   Chaplain, Teacher
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Brian Brown, a chaplain, will tell us what it takes to be a lay chaplain. Hear about a hospital patient and the trust she placed in Brian. Hear how grace permeated that encounter. Hear tips on being a good listener that we all can use. Hear tips on dealing with the home bound. Hear how Brian felt a tender part of his heart touched by God through his ministry.

From Stay At Home Mom to Principal | Lorelei Bobroff

Date of Talk:  January 15th, 2013
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Lorelei Bobroff
Work Listing(s):   Educator
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , ,

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Lorelei Bobroff, Principal of a Catholic Grade School, will tell us her faith story from stay at home mom to Principal at St. Paul of the Cross grade school. Hear the serendipitous turn of events that permitted her to become a teacher later in life. As she faced her own family end of life issues while teaching hear the nurturing and understanding that she received from a Catholic culture while working in a Catholic school. Hear how she turned her experiences into deeper empathy for teachers and parents as a school administrator. Hear tips any parent, and any executive, might want to know about dealing with situations where you must agree to disagree.

Finding More Than Work | Matthew Petrash

Date of Talk:  January 7th, 2013
Location:   Mary Seat of Wisdom - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Matthew Petrash
Affiliated Group(s):   Knights of Columbus
Work Listing(s):   Sales and Marketing Director
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Matthew Petrash, a sales and marketing director, will tell us his family story of faith together. Transitioning from a job in California to moving his wife and new child back to Chicago hear Matt’s story of deep faith until he found work. Hear Matt tell us firsthand about challenges that don’t seem to be able to be overcome. Hear where Matt finds Christ.

Faith In Work | Thomas Schippers

Date of Talk:  December 3rd, 2012
Location:   Santa Maria Del Popolo Mundelein IL.
Presenter(s):   Thomas Schippers
Work Listing(s):   Judge
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , ,

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Thomas Schippers, a judge, will present a defendant’s comeback story. After many transgressions, following depression and drug violations, a psychological report indicated the defendant’s low self worth. Hear the judge’s surprising answer. See how rehabilitation can work in the court system. Hear tips on living a life that makes a difference, and tips on making work fulfilling.

Presence | Terry Madl

Date of Talk:  November 13th, 2012
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Terry Madl
Work Listing(s):   Founder
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Terry Madl, Founder and First User, of “Gear” will tell us of an endurance race of his across the Sahara Desert in Africa and how it affected his faith life. Hear the peace he felt in his reconciliation with the death many years ago of his then 3 year old daughter Emalie. Hear about the help of an unexpected friend. Hear how what began as a 3rd quest for a personal best in Marathon Des Sables, the 151 mile endurance race in Morocco, resulted in peace beyond understanding. Hear Terry’s understanding of the real test of the presence of God that comes is how our life is changed always towards loving others.

When Its God, You Know It! | Terry Madl

Date of Talk:  November 12th, 2012
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Terry Madl
Work Listing(s):   Founder
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Terry Madl, Founder and First User, of “Gear” will explain how he knew he had an experience of a presence of God and how it affected his faith life. Hear the peace he felt in his reconciliation with the death many years ago of his then 3 year old daughter Emalie. Hear Terry’s understanding of the real test of the presence of God that comes is how our life is changed always towards being positive and acting in faith.

God Coach | Robert Schnetzer

Date of Talk:  October 17th, 2012
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Robert Schnetzer
Work Listing(s):   Business Consultant
Faith Enrichment:  , , , ,

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Robert Schnetzer, a business consultant, will present a real life story where timing played an important role. Hear about his conversation with a widow who recently lost her business owner husband. Hear the connections that were made thru faith. Hear the role Robert’s father played in Robert’s life direction always toward integrity thru deep faith.

Tutor | Frances Johnson

Date of Talk:  October 16th, 2012
Location:   St. Juliana - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Frances Johnson
Affiliated Group(s):   Choir, Scripture Studies
Work Listing(s):   Music Teacher, Violin Teacher
Faith Enrichment:  , , , ,

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Frances Johnson (McDonough), a scripture teacher and violinist, will present a story of spiritual growth of one of her scripture students. Having gone to Sunday mass, an old testament reading brought to mind the student’s recent study of the same passage in class. Because the student had studied the passage, the student knew the beginning and the end of the story, with the passage in the middle. Hear Frances’ joy as the student beamed about the relevance of scripture not only to mass but also to everyday life.

Safety, Baby | Barbara Glownia

Date of Talk:  July 30th, 2012
Location:   Safety, Baby! - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Barbara Glownia
Affiliated Group(s):   Saint Paul of the Cross Youth Group
Work Listing(s):   Youth Group
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , ,

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This youth group video shows how a draw away from safety is overcome with safety at “Safety, Baby!” “Safety, Baby!” is retro slang expressing mutual affection toward safety. It refers to a public location for a sampling of youth witness videos usually reserved for a private setting only for the youth group. Ordinary youth present their story of providing, thru the presenter’s chosen work, extreme value for the common good. By grace, God is at work, where their life meets their faith. Videos of their presentations proclaim a culture of the goodness of God. “Safety, Baby!” shows why parents, youth, and mentors prefer safety in a vibrant faith community, over unsafe ways. But in the end, it is the youth’s choice of a culture of the goodness of God that makes the difference. Parent-Youth-Mentor results not only in a village triangle of faith, but also in “Safety, Baby!” Good villages build a better world.

Divine Mercy Outreach | John Koch

Date of Talk:  July 30th, 2012
Location:   Divine Mercy Outreach - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   John Koch
Affiliated Group(s):   Martial Arts
Work Listing(s):   Master Martial Arts Instructor
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , ,

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John Koch tells us about Divine Mercy Outreach. Open to all denominations, this devotion offers incredible graces to all who staff and visit the Divine Mercy Image, an image of Christ with blue and rose streams of light, as given by Christ in a vision to St. Faustina.

Rosemary Kane | God Shot

Date of Talk:  July 19th, 2012
Location:   St. Edward the Confessor - Dana Point CA
Presenter(s):   Rosemary Kane
Work Listing(s):   Marriage And Family Therapist
Faith Enrichment:  , ,

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Rosemary Kane is a successful marriage and family therapist as well as an addiction counselor. Rosemary tells her faith story of how she came to be involved in her profession, and how she has given herself up to the Lord in her practice. She describes how she finds the Spirit inside each individual she works with and will give specific tips on how to provide help for those we know who may have suffering in their lives.

Hits and Misses | Sister Katherine Gray

Date of Talk:  June 15th, 2012
Location:   St. Edward the Confessor - Dana Point CA
Presenter(s):   Sr. Katherine Gray
Work Listing(s):   Educator, Health Care
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , ,

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Sr. Katherine (Kit) Gray is a long time educator, facilitator and administrator with experience in education and health care. Sr. Kit describes how her faith led her to develop systems for mentoring many hundreds of health care professionals in ethical, patient-centered service. She discusses the Catholic underpinnings of health care, and the values that Catholic health care provides to patients, families and the community.