Posts Tagged ‘Devotion’

Mother Mary, Help Me. | Maria and Richard Portis.

Date of Talk:  May 7th, 2015
Location:   St. Norbert - Northbrook IL
Presenter(s):   Richard Portis
Affiliated Group(s):   Bible Study, Man to Man
Work Listing(s):   Trader
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Maria and Richard Portis, parents, will together share a story of travel to Rome for the sainthood of Pope John Paul II.  What started out as a good plan unraveled before their eyes with three small children.  Hear the good outcome of a cross accepted and a consolation received.  Hear tips on raising children that we all can use.

Christ’s Moment | Bill Ulivieri

Date of Talk:  November 25th, 2014
Location:   St. Catherine Laboure - Glenview IL
Presenter(s):   Bill Ulivieri
Work Listing(s):   Financial Advisor
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Bill Ulivieri, former floor trader at the Chicago Board Options Exchange and owner of Cenacle Capital Management, will share what lead to a renewal in his heart about his Catholic faith. Hear how this renewal played out in his parish. Hear him tell how this affects the way he runs his investment advisory firm.

Cultivating Soil is Like Faith | Fr. Piotr Gnoinski

Date of Talk:  November 15th, 2014
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Fr. Piotr Gnoinski
Work Listing(s):   Associate Pastor
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Fr. Piotr Gnoinski, Associate Pastor at St. Paul of the Cross parish, is a religious speaker who grew up on a farm in Poland. The faith to cultivate and nurture the crops, the hope to sow the seeds and trust that God will provide a harvest, and the love to persevere through hardship, this and more was learned while he was doing chores. It was through tilling the soil and the faith of his parents that he learned many of the traits that led him to the Priesthood.

Christ within us | Maudette Carr

Date of Talk:  September 30th, 2014
Location:   ST. Giles - Oak Park IL
Presenter(s):   Maudette Carr
Work Listing(s):   Hospice Caregiver, Social Worker
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Maudette Carr, Hospice Caretaker, will share her faith at work, answering her interesting call from God for a vocation, and she will give experience based tips on death and dying.

Maudette Carr | Hope For the Good Death

Date of Talk:  September 30th, 2014
Location:   ST. Giles - Oak Park IL
Presenter(s):   Maudette Carr
Work Listing(s):   Hospice Caregiver, Social Worker
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Maudette Carr, Hospice Caregiver, will share a story of her faith at work, being called to something she feared. Hear how Maudette overcame her fear. See the care and respect given to two lives soon to end as Maudette embraced her calling with open loving arms of Jesus made real.