Posts Tagged ‘Devotion’

God’s Find. | William Lederer

Date of Talk:  January 8th, 2014
Location:   Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Glenview IL
Presenter(s):   William Lederer
Affiliated Group(s):   Cursillo, Kiwanis
Work Listing(s):   Playwright and poet
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Bill Lederer, a retired fundraiser, will share an experience of being lost in the Grand Canyon. He will tell of a  harrowing near death experience and what saved him. Understand how he sought God and felt God’s love thru love and prayers of his family.  Hear a surprising ending.

It all comes back to trust. | Daniel N. Briggs

Date of Talk:  December 3rd, 2013
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Daniel N. Briggs
Affiliated Group(s):   Cantor, Knights of Columbus
Work Listing(s):   Music Teacher and Director
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Daniel N. Briggs, Music Director and Teacher, will tell us of a touchy situation at a new job at Brother Rice High School. Listen how music offered an amazing, cultural, and psychological impact on the community by singing athletes. Hear what it means to put your reputation on the line, for God. Find out how he built trust by listening, not condemning.

To Make a Difference in Someone’s Day | Michael Kitt

Date of Talk:  July 15th, 2013
Location:   ST. Mary’s Episcopal - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Michael Kitt
Work Listing(s):   Deacon, Financial Consultant
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Michael Kitt, Episcopalian Deacon and financial consultant, will share a story of bringing the sacred into the everyday.Hear this touching story of making one life better thru an unexpected offer.Hear Michael’s daily review of trying to make a difference in a person’s life.Hear tips on bringing light and faith into the everyday.

A Retreat Gift of Faith! | Tom O’Connor

Date of Talk:  May 28th, 2013
Location:   St. Peter - Volo IL
Presenter(s):   Tom O’Connor
Work Listing(s):   Consultant, Teacher
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , ,

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Tom O’Connor, a consultant, will tell us a story of healing.Hear his journey upon returning from retreat to learning of his own cancer, that he believes was healed thru prayer.Hear his deep trust in God. A simple Hail Mary may be more powerful than any earthly request. Hear tips from this man of faith.