Posts Tagged ‘Prayer’

A Gift From God | Mary Larkin

Date of Talk:  April 21st, 2010
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Mary Larkin
Work Listing(s):   Accounting Clerk, Customer Service Representative
Faith Enrichment:  , , ,

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Mary Larkin is an accounting clerk. She tells us how her acceptance of her job brings her “peace beyond all understanding.” Hear how her deep Catholic faith, put into practice, makes all the difference. Hear how she integrates her spiritual life into her work life.

I Love To Hear You Laugh | Fr. Britto Berchmans

Date of Talk:  January 20th, 2010
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Fr. Britto Berchmans
Work Listing(s):   Pastor
Faith Enrichment:  , , ,

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Fr. Britto, our pastor at St Paul of the Cross in Park Ridge, IL, spoke on his experience as pastor and shared the challenges that pastors face everywhere. Drawing from his time as pastor (here and elsewhere) he reflected on the rewards and difficulties that he encounters. His gift to us was a description of top points to be excellent Parishioners.

Prayer Warrior | Gerard D. Haderlein

Date of Talk:  December 16th, 2009
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Gerard D. Haderlein
Work Listing(s):   Adoption Attorney, Attorney, Business Attorney, Counselor
Faith Enrichment:  , , ,

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Gerard D. Haderlein – Attorney/Counselor, will speak about adoption and the role of an attorney as an advocate and as a counselor. He will discuss the opportunities which the attorney/counselor has to be an effective Christian advocate in a secular society.

God’s Work | Mary Kurkowski

Date of Talk:  November 18th, 2009
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Mary Kurkowski
Work Listing(s):   Pro Life Volunteer
Faith Enrichment:  , , ,

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Mary spoke about Helpers of God’s Precious Infants and unexpected surprises that pop up when you hope you are doing the Lord’s work.

Pennies from Heaven | Roberta Clarke Jenero

Date of Talk:  November 18th, 2009
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Roberta Clarke Jenero
Work Listing(s):   Dietitian
Faith Enrichment:  , ,

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Roberta Clarke Jenero, a Registered Dietitian for over 20 years and owner of Figure Facts LLC spoke about weight management: 3 natural appetite suppressants in your diet. Roberta also related how her deep faith and trust in God helped her to carry thru plans to publish a book and finding the funds to do so.