Take a Smart® Tour of Spirit-Centered Community


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A domain is nothing more than a culture in which we find ourselves. Every human being is born into a culture. How that person responds to the larger culture of which he is a part is meant personal culture. By our example, by suffering, by speaking the truth always, by forgiveness of those who thwart satisfaction of our innate needs, and by gratefulness we live in a protective bubble of community on the Loquate journey resulting in a safe, simple, life… universally applicable.

Domain Theory
is a single location at our website. It is only open to members. Members make a Donation. Everything else is free.


Index of Featured Destinations
Videos and Podcasts
Loquate provides research based, empowering structures. Over 250 video Testimonies and Podcasts from ordinary people like you and I are an empowering structure when taken as a whole. The relevance is found in stories of loving authentically in one’s work, and having charity, or ardor of heart, towards others in the truth of one’s work. Every person has a gift or talent innately planted in their heart and mind. Faith grows when God bestows extreme value for the common good through such a one’s gift or talent. Unlike a gift or talent used solely to benefit one’s self, God’s gift is always outwardly directed for the common good. Our task at Loquate.tv is to increase awareness of the gift and God’s preciousness, so God does not go unnoticed, unmarked, without God’s proper honor.


Science Based Research
By our example, by suffering, by speaking the truth always, by forgiveness of those who thwart satisfaction of our innate needs, and by gratefulness to God we live in a protective bubble of community on the Loquate journey resulting in a safe, simple, life… universally applicable.

Tragedies occur in every faith community. Many times those with faith wish to share the outcome of their tragedy as extreme value for the common good. Whether unwittingly almost like a passenger through the tragedy, or purposefully, they share the common good that occurs through their gift or talent. And strikingly through the tragedy raise the awareness of the gift and God’s preciousness, so God does not go unnoticed, unmarked, without God’s proper honor. For example, see Swoboda, Madl, and Lederer.

Loquate conducted the science based research which may be found here along with a Podcast describing the emerging patterns. In conclusion, our Work Meets Faith small groups provide evidence that ethnocentrism can be left behind so that all may worship together. A Work Meets Faith Smart® group permits everyone to go at their own pace. Its prospective member checklist is another empowering structure verifiably scientific by feedback with a 98% success rate.

Open to All
Everyone is invited. Atheists, agnostics, and all faith traditions are included. Freedom to live our deepest beliefs in harmony with all is the outcome.

The amazing profound nature of following Smart® Natural law is this. There can be but two outcomes. Your personal culture will move towards ardor of heart, a deep profound love of all around you, or toward ego worship.


  • Makes where you work, a best place to work.
  • Makes where you live, a best place to live.
  • The unique role Loquate plays is fostering community, kindness, and ongoing education.


Featured Destinations Optional Accompanying Music
Featured Destination
Section 0
Sense of Community
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Section 1
Domain Theory
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Section 2
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Section 3
La Misma Nada or Nothingness Itself
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Section 4
Smart® Safe Sharing Environments
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Section 5
Smart® Ambassadors of Community
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Section 6
The Coursework to Become a Smart® Ambassador of Community
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Section 7
Primacy of Prayer
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Section 8
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Section 9
Scientifically the Path to Heaven is Clear
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Section 10
Abraham H. Maslow Innate Needs
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