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A domain is nothing more than a culture in which we find ourselves. Every human being is born into a culture. How that person responds to the larger culture of which he is a part is meant personal culture. By our example, by suffering, by speaking the truth always, by forgiveness of those who thwart satisfaction of our innate needs, and by gratefulness we live in a protective bubble of community on the Loquate journey resulting in a safe, simple, life… universally applicable.


Domain Theory

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What is Natural Law?

By Natural Law we at Loquate mean our innate needs, the way we were built. To be true to one’s self means to be in part true to our human nature. For we were built in an immutable way. Discovering that natural way has been a lifelong journey for myself.

I began by examining every experience that made me feel good about myself by writing long hand on sheets of paper. The pile grew to 8′ tall.

I still could not fully understand. When I was about to give up, I had been reading an inspirational book called Mister God, this is Anna. She was very young. Based on a true story, Anna had said something like we have a viewpoint and Mr. God has viewing points.

My discovery breakthrough came from a dream. I woke up bolt upright. My discovery was this. Whereas before I was trying to make values that I had a hunch were confirmed in my stack of papers, 3 in number as relevant to being happy making me feel good. I was using each value as being everything when the dream told me it was a combination of all three values that each gave a different viewing point. When all three were aligned, all my exceptions vanished. I felt good. Intrinsically I knew this discovery was a breakthrough.

I call the discovery primary values, which when an experience went “for” meaning the experience went for the primary value in question, and did not go against any other primary value, I would feel good. But if the experience went against any primary value, even if other primary values were present I would feel bad. Each primary value was prepotent.

Being on target as a human being meant having an identity experience elevated in my mind as typical of what it meant to be part of a culture guided me to cultural anthropology. I once had a presenter in my Work Meets Faith Seminar Series who was a cultural anthropologist. I asked him in his studies had he ever found a culture that did not have a God story or belief system. “Never” he replied.

My own faith story began with my own culture being raised Catholic, Roman Catholic. I am devout. I treasure my faith journey, as do you whatever it may be.

I once drew this pyramid.

The significance of the pyramid is that boundaries exist. No religion can call itself a true religion if it goes against satisfying our innate needs of relatedness, competence or autonomy.

In the box here I established Basic Human Rights to uphold based on satisfying innate needs. Primary Values uphold, identify, clarify, and satisfy innate needs.